The conducted pig liver perfusion is another step taken by the company to introduce an innovative organ perfusion system to the Polish market. NanoGroup’s first pig liver perfusion using the “NanOX Recovery Box” organ perfusion device and NanOx 10 fluid was successfully completed. The research conducted so far has only included perfusion of porcine kidneys, but NanoGroup’s goal is to expand the utility of the device and NanOx fluid to other organs. The liver was taken in the DBD model, in which the warm ischemia period is eliminated, the cold ischemia time of the organ was 8.5 hours, and the total perfusion time was 4.5 hours. According to the developed protocol, the liver was perfused under hypothermic conditions for the first hour after being connected to the device, then, the fluid temperature was raised from 10°C to 37°C for another hour in a controlled manner, and once normothermic conditions were reached, the organ was perfused for 2.5 hours. Throughout the study, liver enzyme activity remained normal, and fluid flow in the hepatic artery and portal vein increased as predicted by the research team. The liver analysis included eg. histopathological evaluation of the organ biopsies, performed by Dr. Agata Cyran of the Department of Pathomorphology at the Medical University of Warsaw, which showed the absence of increased damage in the vast majority of biopsies. The study was carried out in cooperation with the Tchaikovsky Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition. Jan Kielanowski of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a team led by the prof. Dr. hab. med. Maciej Kosieradzki and Dr. hab. n. med. Piotr Domagała Department of General and Transplant Surgery at the University Clinical Center of Warsaw Medical University.